November 7, 2023

How Snow Removal Works for Owners

What owners should expect when it snows

Owner Responsibility

Leases typically designate if snow removal is included in the lease price of the property. As a general rule of thumb, owners will provide snow removal for all multi-unit buildings and single family houses are up to the owner’s discretion.

In the Fall, we coordinate with our preferred snow removal vendor for seasonal pricing. We work with a licensed vendor who provides us with preferred pricing and priority scheduling. We will also email tenants who do not have snow removal provided to remind then what they are responsible for.

How Snow Removal Works:

  • Our vendor comes out for snow accumulation of 1-inch (required per City code)
  • Always use salt
  • For large snow events (6+ inches), they would come out twice, once at a minimum of 1-inch and another instance after 2+ inches have fallen.
  • In the case of a larger 24-hour snow storm, they would wait until the bulk of the snow has fallen before going out.
  • Typically, they would not come out to a property more than twice in one day. Each trip to the property is billed at the Total Per Instance Price listed above.

Tenant Responsibility

Baker Street will inform tenants who have snow removal provided with details on the service. Tenants are asked to also let us know if an area was missed or if ice build up has occurred in any areas on the property that may need extra salt. Owners will be billed at the end of the month for any snow removal costs and they will be deducted for the monthly payout.

For properties that are not provided with snow removal, tenants are responsible for removing snow from sidewalks and walkways. We will remind tenants of this before the snow season and encourage them to purchase a shovel and bucket of salt. Please see below for City of Ann Arbor Code:

"Within 24-hours, any accumulation of snow greater than 1 inch must be cleared from adjacent sidewalks (A), concrete bus stop walks (B) and crosswalk ramps (C). Any ice accumulations must be treated within 18-hours of forming with sand, salt or other substance, to prevent it from becoming slippery. The city is not responsible for clearing mailboxes (D) of snow and/or ice. “

Residents will receive one warning per season before incurring fines. Any fines incurred due to tenants not clearing their sidewalks will be billed back to the tenants.

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